Hi there blogging world,
Thank you for coming t visit my learning blog. This will be my last post because I am going on summer holiday . I have enjoyed using this blog to share my learning with you all. I hope you have enjoyed reading about my learning too.
Blog you later,
Monday, December 12, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
Reading Task
Today room 7 read another National Library book. Everyone chose a different book. This time I chose Don't forget your Etiquette. We read our books for 15 minuets and this time we only had 17 minuets to finish our task, to answer all the question and put it on our blog. Here is my thing-link. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Today room 7 read a book from the national library. I choose the book Snow White in New York. We had to read the book for 15 min. After that we were given 6 question about our book, we had to answer them, when we were done we used the web site, Thing-link. On think link we put down all our question and answers. Here's my Thing-link. Feel free to leave a comment, Thanks.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Today with James we were continuing on mapping. We looked at different people in our school and found out that some of the kids have travelled a long way to come to NZ.
How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS?
Hope you enjoy this video, feel free to leave a comment and write what you think of the video.
The Lie from Untitled Productions on Vimeo.
How far have some students travelled in their lifetime to reach WPS?
Khatizah was born 9,800 km away from Auckland
Why do people make the choice to move to different countries?
Because of war, the climate, for work opportunities, They are going to have a baby and don't want to raise their child there.
Is this a trend in NZ society? What does the media tell us?
Auckland has attracted many visitor from all around the world. In 2011 June NZ had over 1.377 people in Auckland ONLY!!!. Think how many people are living in NZ now. People that are coming from overseas are bring a lot more money so people that are selling there house are wanting more immigrants.
This video made me think about how people judge me because of my skin colour. This video is that everyone should stop bullying.
This is a video about how you shouldn't judge someone because of their coverAuckland has attracted many visitor from all around the world. In 2011 June NZ had over 1.377 people in Auckland ONLY!!!. Think how many people are living in NZ now. People that are coming from overseas are bring a lot more money so people that are selling there house are wanting more immigrants.
This video made me think about how people judge me because of my skin colour. This video is that everyone should stop bullying.
Hope you enjoy this video, feel free to leave a comment and write what you think of the video.
The Lie from Untitled Productions on Vimeo.
My famous idol
Last week our teacher gave us a task that we had to learn interesting information about a famous idol or team. We had to find personal facts, public facts and write why we respect our idol. My idol is Eliza McCartney. She is a famous NZ famous idol. It was a really fun task because we got to learn about our idol and find out more interesting websites to find information. I hope you enjoy my slide. Feel free to comment. :) :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
This week for cyber-smart with James we were learning about My maps and how we can use it to find peoples location. James shared a doc with us and on that doc we had to put our name and where we came from, we also had to put a family member and where they where born but they had to be from somewhere else. Take a look at where everyone was born.Fell free to comment. :) :)
Monday, October 10, 2016
This week for cyber smart we were looking at TROLLING!!!! James came in to show us what to do if you are being trolled.We all had to make up a scenario or write something that happened to us online. Here is my scenario.I hope you learned something, fell free to comment. :) :)

What would you do to stop your friend from doing this?
Ask your friend to stop post pictures of other people.It could be very offensive to the person.
Who would you tell?
You should tell your teacher so your teacher can stop your friend from posting rude picture
What would you do to stop your friend from doing this?
Ask your friend to stop post pictures of other people.It could be very offensive to the person.
Who would you tell?
You should tell your teacher so your teacher can stop your friend from posting rude picture
- How would you take the pictures off the website?
Monday, September 19, 2016
Mr Brad has gone mad
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Last week was the art show.Every class room had to make a piece of artwork. Room 7 decide to make mythical creatures out of clay.First we got out our art book out and search on the internet for ideas of what to make.Then we got play-dough and started to make our draft copy of our mythical creature.Once everyone had done a draft copy it was time for the exciting part,THE CLAY!!!! It was hard work but it was all worth it.It was so exciting panting them.After we finished everything we attached a side to a QR code telling about our mythical.We had to put what our creatures name was,what his age.Here the google slide.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Good comments!
Today we had our cyber smart lesson with James.We visited the site Padlet. On Padlet we wrote the things that make a good comment on a blog.We waited for James to approve of our comments so everyone in the class could see.Then we watched two video that showed us some more thing that you need to make a good comment.Then we added what we learned from the video.This is everyone ideas.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
The brainbox
On Monday last week the seniors syndicate went to the hall together and had a play with the brain box. One person from each class had to find some one from the other two class room and make a group. We named the boxes with numbers.Then we started playing.First we made a machine that let a disc fly and spin.Then we made a FM radio it actually plays the radio. The brain box is a kit that lets you experience how electricity travels to make things work, like light bulbs and radios. It was fun playing with the brainbox.
Monday, July 4, 2016
This is a word cloud,I put all my history from Friday afternoon to right now.In my word cloud it's mostly you tube because I am obsessed with you tube. In the weekend I send most of my time riding my bike or watch you tube. My favourite you tube channel to watch is Vat19 .If I just took my chrome book home in the weekend my chrome book history would just be you tube and games because I get so bored in the weekend,the word cloud would just have you tube.The word google comes up a lot because most things are owned by goggle cause when I search up all these stuff I search it up on google.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Hi and welcome to my blog. My name is Nethya. I am in room 7.This is a video is about showing people what I have done at the start of learning blog. Its a place where I can show the world what I have been doing in class.This is only the start of my blog,in the future I will probably do another tour of my blog when I have more things on my blog.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.
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