
Monday, September 11, 2017

The Magical World of Crazy Science

Today we went to watch a crazy science show. We learnt about chemistry, energy, frictions and very surprisingly NAPPIES!!. He did lots of magic trick that involve science, like when he had this chemical called polymer which is in nappies. When he put some coloured water in to chemical it make the water into a solid instantly. Another fact he told us that water is the only substance on earth that can be a liquid, solid and gas. Did you know that bubbles are the thinnest thing  in the world that can be seen by the human eye. When you rub your hands together or you click your fingers that's called friction. My favourite part of  the show was when he made huge bubbles. I wonder how the chemical polymer makes the water into a solid. Hope you enjoy the photos. Feel free to leave a comment and share my blog with other.

Blog you later

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nethya, I like how you said what you learnt about. I have seen a show kinda like this one. Maybe next time you could give the name of the chemical a capatial letter because its a noun.


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